The New Moon in Aquarius and the Quest for Liberation

As we embrace the darkness of the new moon in the revolutionary energy of Aquarius*, we are called to reflect not only on our personal experiences but also on the collective challenges that confront humanity. An Air sign known for its visionary spirit and emphasis on community, this new moon beckons us to break free from the old patterns and systems that hold us back, urging us to be trailblazers in our personal lives and catalysts for change in our world.

The current global situation — a tangle of social, political, and environmental challenges — reflects the Aquarian call for change, and the new moon encourages us not to shy away from difficulties but to face them with innovative thinking and compassion.

Aquarius, with its themes of progress, humanitarianism, and unity, offers a beacon of hope amidst all this turmoil by reminding us of our interconnectedness, of our shared humanity, and of our collective responsibility to work towards a world where peace, justice, and equality can prevail.

Let us embrace the essence of the new moon in Aquarius, to co-create a reality that reflects our deepest truths and loftiest aspirations. Together, we can envision a world where the pursuit of collective liberation transcends individual comfort and where love triumphs over fear, paving the way for all beings to live with dignity, freedom, and safety.

The Aquarian new moon is a powerful reminder of our dual nature as individuals and as integral parts of a larger tapestry of existence. Let’s weave together, with courage, compassion, and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of our collective vision to shape a brighter future for us all on this precious planet we call home.

Journal Prompts/Tarot Spread to deepen your personal reflection during this Aquarian new moon:

1. What does collective liberation mean to me?

2. How can I prioritise my wellbeing without losing sight of the larger goals and collective challenges?

3. Are there any beliefs or behaviours that I need to release in order to fully align with the vision of a more just and equitable world?

4. Where do I need to break free from traditional thinking to support social justice movements and contribute to positive change?

5. What does a future where collective liberation has been achieved look like?

*I believe in the profound wisdom of “as above, so below,'“ and the significance of aligning with the true cosmic energies present in the sky. This is different from the more widely accepted conventions of Tropical Astrology.


Embracing the Power of Self-Care