Embracing the Power of Self-Care

I’ve struggled with how to start writing again. The weight of the world's challenges makes the thought of writing about wellbeing seem almost trivial. How can I talk about self-care when, across the globe, humanity is in turmoil? The devastating war on Gaza has been particularly hard to witness, and my heart aches at the stark contrast between my world here and theirs. It feels, for lack of a better word, wrong, to discuss the seemingly privileged practice of self-care while others face such unimaginable suffering.

Then, amidst the horror, I see images of incredible resilience pierce through. Glimpses of normalcy in Palestine — men getting haircuts, food arranged beautifully, fairy lights and children embracing play — showing me that self-care is an act of defiance. Self-care is a whisper of life in the cacophony of destruction — the audacious insistence on humanity when inhumanity surrounds.

These acts of self-care, though seemingly small, are a profound reminder that nurturing ourselves is not an indulgence but a powerful form of resistance, essential for building resilience in the face of adversity. The transformative power of self-love is a declaration of worth, of dignity – of sovereignty – in a world that thrives on our self-sacrifice and exhaustion.

To engage in self-care is to declare our refusal to be suppressed.

Qigong has always been my refuge. Through mindful intention and gentle flows, I have found solace, grounding, and a sense of inner peace amidst the chaos in the world. Qigong teaches me that taking time for our wellbeing is a cornerstone of resistance as it empowers us to carry on despite the heartache, to gather strength so we may lend it to those who need it, and most importantly, to sustain the fight for justice.

Self-care is a declaration that we will not be diminished, we will not give up.

So as I delve deeper into the essence of self-care here, know it is in solidarity and as a reminder of the power each of us hold when caring for ourselves. True self-care is not an escape from the realities of the world; instead it is a way to nourish and cultivate our vitality – the life force – that activates us to be advocates for peace, to speak for the voiceless, and be a beacon of love amidst the fear.

Self-care and resilience are the twin flames that light the path of resistance for a better, more just world – walk with me.

In love and solidarity ✊🏼


Tending to Ourselves and the World


The New Moon in Aquarius and the Quest for Liberation