Exciting new workshops coming online in 2024.

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  • Six-week workshop exploring the art of self-cultivation through Radiant Lotus Women’s qigong. Each week you’ll be guided through embodiment practices designed to awaken awareness to your inner wisdom, and reconnect you to the unique rhythm of your own body, heart, mind, spirit and soul.

  • Six-week workshop exploring the energy of fragrance alongside the 5 Elements, and how to utilise this knowledge to create mental and emotional transformations in your life.

    Each week we will explore one of the six energetic qualities through smell, touch, movement, and an in-depth study of one essential oil.

  • Moonflow invites us to journey with the moon through the constellations, unravelling the archetypal Click here to sign up.stories and connecting with the elemental energies that are at play. Each Moonflow session includes meditation, creative expression, movement, and a fragrance designed to guide us towards deeper self-understanding and authentic expression in harmony with the universe's energies.
    Click here to sign up.

  • From peri-to-post menopause we rise into the fullest expression of who we are.