Awakening Awareness

an introduction to qigong and the 5 Elements


Qigong 氣功 is made up of two Chinese characters: Qi (pronounced chee) which means intelligent life force, energy — and Gong (pronounced kung) which means work, or skill that is cultivated through steady practice. So together qigong can be translated to mean the cultivation of life force energy. But what does that really mean? What is life force energy?

The truth is we are all part of something so vast and wide it’s hard for our minds alone to comprehend. The Universe is a living energy field, and the same energy that flows through the cosmos, flows through us. This is something the ancient and esoteric traditions have known and revered for ages but has been increasingly lost in our modern era. Qigong is a practice that can reconnect us with that energy.

What we focus on can have a powerful influence over how we experience life and practicing qigong invites us into a space of wonder and curiosity. By finding balance between relaxation and concentration, we can notice life without judgement, we can move our of overwhelm, rising above challenges and uncertainty.

Awakening Awareness is a self-paced 6-week programme introducing you to the experiential practice of qigong through the Five Elements in Chinese Medicine. A mixture of theory alongside mindful movements, breath-work, and focussed intention to help you reduce stress, increase energy, boost your natural immunity, and be empowered by your true potential.

What we cover:

  • How to be in alignment with your true nature

  • Ways to release stagnant energy

  • The importance of intention

  • Practices to boost your natural immunity

  • Flows to strengthen your body and harmonise your emotions

  • Using your breath as a tool for transformation

  • Exercises to stimulate nourishing and positive Qi in your body

  • Manifesting your potential for the greater good

  • The art of effortless effort

  • Integrating all aspects of your Self to maintain harmony and balance

What People Are Saying


“I feel like this six weeks has really helped me come to a better place of acceptance and appreciation for where I am right now and what my body can do.”

— Shauna

“The workshop has provided me with a toolkit of checking in with myself and understanding how I am feeling and coping with my emotions.”

— Sadia

“I'm totally enjoying my practice and I am keen to do more. I haven't been able to say this about moving my body in a long time.”

— Catherine